Monday, October 20, 2014

The days go by, I can feel them flying!

How is everything going for each of you?? I feel a little behind in each of your lives, which makes me way sad. You all get to hear what's going on in mine every single week, I need an update from you each please! Just a quick one :)

This week was an interesting one. I am not quite sure what was so weird about it, but it just felt...weird. Haha! You all know how it feels when things are a bit off. Well, that was this week! It was still way good and we saw several miracles though. God is with you in weird, off, different weeks as well as in the awesome ones!

We got to know and gained traction with several of the people we have recently started to teach or were looking to start teaching. And we saw miracles with this! Favorite example! There is a young adult living in the ward with her parents, she is no longer active in the church and has chosen that she no longer believes in several teachings of the church. We went out for hot chocolate with her this week so we could catch up and talk more with her, totally not preachy at all! After our little cocoa date, we nonchalantly told her about the ward chili cook-off that was going on that evening for the ward that she has gone to once in the last 5 months of being here. We asked her if she wanted to come with us and she agreed to stop by for a bit. Earlier in the day, one of our members had called to tell us that they had invited a less-active man and his non-member, 22 year old daughter to come to the cook-off as well. When we heard that, we called a friend of ours who is in the local Young Single Adult ward and asked her to come to the cook-off with us to meet this non-member girl and invite her to volleyball. Sweet plan! The dinner comes around I start talking with the non-member girl, building a friendship with her! She is darling, but I was waiting for the YSA member to show up. She finally showed up and I was super excited to have her start talking to this girl. They started talking and it was going well, but not nearly as well as I was anticipating. Haha, funny how that works. Then the less-active who was going to stop by for a bit showed up and her and the YSA member hit it off like no other! It always amazes me how in control God is. I LOVE IT. My plans were good, but His were so much better! They had the same background in life, which I had absolutely no idea about either of their backgrounds. But, Heavenly Father did and He loved each of His daughters enough to bring them together and help them feel of His love. It was so awesome. We ended up staying for an hour after the dinner finished talking in our little group and really building relationships and coming to understand each other's beliefs. It was incredible!

Sacrament meeting was one of my absolute favorites this week! It was the Willamette Ward's Primary Program. Oh my goodness, it was incredibly well done and so spiritual! We had two of the people we are teaching there and they absolutely loved it. Gwen, the friend of the recent convert family in the ward, cried several times throughout it because of the spirit she felt and the sweet, simple testimonies of the children. Heck, I cried a few times too. These kids are so precious and their testimonies and the truths they spoke really touched my heart. I miss my nieces and nephew!! I am so glad sacrament meeting went so well. Sweet Gwen stood up in Relief Society and introduced herself to the whole class and told them how excited she was to be there and to know them and how happy she is to be taught. She is so stinkin' cute!

Last thing, we had an awesome experience at the Visitor's Center last night with a new investigator! We got him to come and meet us there and we had a member family as well. They clicked instantly! The member is probably 25 years older than him, but they became like best friends and it was awesome. Dylan, the one we're teaching is a rapper and he is going to be writing one about his experience at the temple last night. Cool beans! I can't wait to hear it. Our member sang him his rap that he had written while serving his mission 20+ years ago about the Book of Mormon! I'll send you a copy when I get it, it was so great! Such a fun night!

I love you all, have to get going! Please send me a quick note and let me know how you are doing. I love you tons and tons!

{Some cutie pie young women from our ward! We are working with each of them and just ADORE them all!}

Xoxo, Sister Kerr 

p.s. I heard a Keith Urban song on someone's radio the other day and my heart started racing! I still love that man and the title of the email is in honor of him!

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